Swings! Kiera loves to swing! My little dare devil, hanging several feet off the ground. (The boy next to her asked her to be his girlfreind, lol, I'm not ready for that yet!) Now you can see better how high it is with me standing there looking up at her. First time on the merry-go-round. First time on the "big-girl" swings.
Draws a picture of Mommy and Daddy (mommy on the left, daddy on the right). :) A drawing of th whole family (mommy on top, daddy in the middle, and Kiera on the bottom). Isn't she good?
Jeremy and I have eaten chili dogs many times, but for some reason it didn't occur to us that Kiera would like the chili sauce, so she got hers plain with ketchup. Then I told a co-worker that we were having them for dinner and she asked if Kiera liked them? I didn't know...she's never tried them, I said. So, she tried them that night, and the sauce was such a huge hit that she kept licking it off and asking for more!
New Bedding to go with Kiera's Big Girl Bed. Pink Boa and Cabbage Patch doll from Great Grandma Edwards. Quad from Grandpa and Grandma Case (that Kiera is afraid of). Picnic table from Aunt Amy and Uncle Russ. A rope swing from Daddy that was a HUGE hit!
KIERA TURNS THREE! We celebrated the day with favorite meals (waffles, Mac 'n Cheese, and pizza), presents, pool, family, and whatever Kiera wanted to do that day, including going through the car wash, which seems to be a recent favorite activity. Of course we had to rip her away from her artistic talents to get her to eat at all after she saw her first birthday present...LOL Present from Grandma and Grandpa Fromholz. Present from Grandma and Grandpa DePew.
Kiera is eight years old!
This blog is all about her and her family as she grows and changes. I am a 38 year old that enjoys running, yoga, wine, reading, and my daughter. I have been married to my husband for 14 years. Our lives pretty much revolve around Kiera, so I run for some "me" time.