Monday, May 22, 2006

Trillium Festival

Kiera and I went to Harbor Springs for the Trillium Festival and to see my good friend Cindi. Cindi is a local artist and had her jewelry, paintings, and pottery on display at a local store front!

Cindi Teaches Kiera to make funny faces. :P

The One Minute parade! This is only the second year for the festival, so the parade was very small and consisted of a few clowns, children, and tractors. Kiera and I still enjoyed it.

Kiera loves balloons, so I HAD to give her one or the world might end. ;)

Mommy and Kiera enjoying the sunny day.
We stopped for a quick Bite to eat at the Pier.

I wanted to get a few pictures of Kiera with the beautiful flowers, and she was pretty fed up with me trying to take pictures of her.

All worn out after a day of running around outside. I taught Kiera how to March up and down the sidewalk, now she walks with a funny stomp and says "Ma, Ma, Ma, Ma" which is Kiera for March, March, March, March! LOL Gotta love her!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Looks like a fun filled day!!! Cute pictures of you both!!!