Monday, December 11, 2006

Visiting Santa

Kiera got really excited when we asked her if she wanted to go see Santa, "Ohhhhhh, Yes!" she said. So we took her and had her picture taken (sorry it's blury, it is a picture of a picture). She wasn't afraid, actually liked it, but clammed up and wouldn't tell him what she wanted. But Mommy and her were practicing beforehand and she wants "CARS!"...not sure why but that is what she said...LOL


Anonymous said...

What a little doll!!

Jessica said...

Awwww. She wants cars for Christmas? Love it!

Wendy said...

Totally sweet!

Erin said...

Such a sweet picture with Santa!!

Brandee said...

GREAT Santa pic!!!!

Vanessa said...

She is a serious doll!