Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day 2007

Jeremy went for a ride, and Kiera wanted to go too, but settled for sitting on it with Daddy.

Hiding behind my leg when Daddy starts it up.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Fairy Kiera

Kiera being Kiera, her normal cute, funny, playful self!

New Running Skirt

I've been hearing a lot of good things about running skirts, so I got one (on sale) to try, and I love it! It's so comfortable!! However, it does bunch a little in the front and not lay flat. Here's a pic.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Fun Saturday at Home

We started out the day with one of my fondest memories as a kid, helping wash the car. It was great fun, Kiera did a wonderful job, and got drenched of course!

Then it was off to play in the sprinkler that Daddy bought for Kiera. I should have thought of the swimsuit earlier, oh well. Kiera calls it her "swim soup", LOL!

She had a ball, litterally, since the sprinkler is the shape of a giant beach ball. But it was time to dry off and head inside for a little lunch.

I must have worked her to the bone, because she ate a whole PB&J sandwich and chips with dip. Unheard of for Kiera while at home, she is usually such a little bird when eating for Mommy and Daddy.

Sleeping peacefully with her paci, blankie, Pooh Bear, and Eeyore...not to mention 4 pillows, LOL. These are a must for Kiera to sleep at home! We can sometimes get away with just the paci, blankie, and Pooh when traveling. But watch out for the temper tantrum in the car if you don't have them and she want's to nap!!! But looking at this picture she is so sweet!

After the nap it was still beautiful and warm out so Kiera wanted to play in the sprinkler again with her swim soup. We went out and had a wonderful time jumping over the sprinkler, running around it and dumping water on each other. Here she is with her water bucket on her head...LOL.

Now, she is tired of Mommy taking her picture and says, "No, Mommy. No picture." But it still turned out beautiful!

Here we are goofing around. We had such a wonderful day!!!!!!

Friday, June 01, 2007

Cutie Pie and Ariel

New Summer PJ's to show off. She loves Ariel, even pretends to talk to her on the phone.